Our Commitment During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Our Commitment During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Funasset ensure clients of the continuity of their products and services during the Covid-19 crisis

  • Mark Williams
  • General
As we address a pandemic that will no doubt be remembered for generations, we would like to ensure our clients that our commitment to them will not waiver.

Funasset are well placed to continue offering services and products that allow businesses and organisations such as the NHS to communicate in paper and electronic form. We are able to do this because we embrace technology that enables us to work in ways that are flexible yet robust, and we employ talented staff that are extremely experienced in their roles. Furthermore, our commitment to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 demonstrates we have well documented and structured procedures to help ensure continuity of the services and products we provide.

Currently 90% of our staff are working remotely from home to ensure they remain safe and to adhere to social distancing rules that have been imposed by the UK government. The staff that are working within our Taunton office do so in a way that is absolutely safe for them and the community.

If you need to talk to a member of the Funasset team you can do so by calling +44 (0)1823 365 864. You can also contact us by emailing info@funasset.com or support@funasset.com. We also encourage you to use our support ticket system which can be accessed by logging into your account on this website.

Everyone at Funasset would like to wish you the very best during these troubled times. Stay safe and keep washing your hands!
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Funasset Limited is a UK software development company founded in 1986. It specialises in document and mail solutions that are used globally by businesses and organisations including Xerox, Civica, the NHS and local Government. Read more

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